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Writer's pictureStephanie Black

Potato Chips on Ice Cream?

I for sure came home to this. Three dogs. Actually, scratch that. Two dogs and one mini horse. The four legged creatures are multiplying before my eyes. This new one is ginormous. I don’t think he’s staying... but I’m entirely unsure right now. And at this point in my life, I’m willing to argue till I’m blue in the face that God does indeed have a sense of humor. Because, Friends, that is the only acceptable explanation for me being in a house with three dogs. I was not, however, about to attempt to get three dogs to pose for me. Getting them all in the same camera frame was as much effort as you are going to get from me on this one… mainly because I really just needed picture proof that this is indeed happening in my life.

And then this happened. There’s a dog in my car. There’s a dog making itself at home on my bag of clothes in my car.

I have no words.

But you know what helps when there are too many dogs in one's life? Ice cream. Ice cream helps...

And yes, your eyes do not deceive you... there are indeed potato chips on top of the ice cream.

Ok... so... before you're overwhelmed with feelings of confusion and judgement at this combination, I feel like I need to throw out there... don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

Do you like chocolate covered pretzels? Case and point.

Sweet and salty, friends.

It’s literally the perfect combination.

And speaking of perfect combinations... you want to know one combination that has never been perfect?

Me and public speaking.

I’ve never been one to enjoy being on camera or in front of people speaking.

Like... terrified of public speaking.

Oh, I would do it when I had to, but I hated it. Put me in front of a room of kids and I can totally rock it, but a room of adults... Noooooo, thank you. My heart would race, I could hear myself breathing, I couldn’t seem to catch my breath... It was always like an out of body experience. I could see myself and hear myself... but I had absolutely no control over what was actually happening.

You know what 2020 did to me?

My fear of public speaking... Gone.

It’s probably connected to that whole being an open book thing, but it’s kind of amazing to me how that has changed.

I’ve actually had a lot of fun shooting these video announcements these days. Though, I’m pretty sure Josh (the one behind the camera) has plenty of blackmail material for me in the form of outtakes now.

Please ignore the black leggings and white dress. There was a half outfit change for this video. A sweatshirt got replaced with a dress. And since the camera only captures from the waist up... no need to put extra effort into this wardrobe. There may or may not have been a dress and tennis shoes on at one point.

Buuuuut... there will never be any picture proof of that. Never.

And video announcements mean that it’s probably a good day to actually do my hair and makeup. It’s about the only time that actual makeup gets added to my morning routine these days. Because....

One.... for 5 months, the hot mess of a human being that I was had far too many tears for makeup to even stand a chance of survival.

Two... I started using Rodan & Field skin products and... You Guys! I love it. I actually get excited about washing my face. My face... not my hair, friends... there will never be excitement over washing my hair. But also, don't overthink that whole washing the face statement please. We're going to pretend that my life is far more interesting than that. But seriously, I'm a total product snob when it comes to things I like and this company has totally won me over. I might brave some before and after pictures one of these days. Haha. We shall see.

And to wrap things up here... on this Good Friday....

The last few days, I’ve been stuck on Psalm 107. Not like stuck like I was in Ezekiel stuck... Stuck like I just keep rereading it because there is so much hope and comfort to be found there. There’s one line that appears in there 4 different times…

“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.”

David wrote this Psalm with the hindsight of events that he experienced in his day. But God's character is the same today, friends!

  • Some wandered, hungry and thirsty, unable to find a place to make their homes.

  • Some lived in the deepest darkness, suffering like prisoners in chains.

  • Some were foolish and suffered because of their sinful ways.

  • Some were trapped in a storm

And in all of these…

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.”

Can you guess what happens next in all of these?

  • He led them till they reached a city where they could make their homes.

  • He brought them out of their darkness and broke their chains off.

  • He healed them and delivered them from foolish ways.

  • He quieted the storm.

Their part: They cried out to the Lord in their trouble.

God’s part: He delivered them from their distress.

And I’m struck with one thought. Our God is a Sovereign God, he is certainly in control... All I have to do is look at the last 5 months of my life to see just how in control he is, just how intricately he works in all the details...

In fact, I first came across Psalm 107 back in November, about a month into the pit that was my struggle. I texted a friend one morning and she texted me back telling me that she was literally reading Psalm 107 at that exact moment, praying for everything going on in my life. Seriously, you guys, I have stories like this from every single day for the last 5 months...

Because our God is a Good God.

And it all leaves me in awe...

And tears... obviously.

Friends, our God is a Sovereign God... he is certainly in control.... But we still have our part.

What’s your scenario right now? What are you trapped in, struggling with, dealing with, suffering through? What has left you devastated? What hurts? What are you in desperate need of rescue from?

I don’t know what deliverance looks like for your scenario or even for mine at the moment. I’m pretty sure that more often than not it looks different than we think it will. But... I do know, without a doubt, that we serve a God who does indeed deliver when we call out to him.

Today is a good reminder of that. On Good Friday, we remember his death on the cross. He gave up his life for us. Is there anyone else you can say that has done that for you?

I can't.

And I’m positive he didn’t give up his life for us just to leave us here in our troubles or in our distress. He’s right there... just waiting for you and I to call out to him so that he can deliver us… whatever that may look like.

First and foremost, though, his deliverance comes through salvation from our sins...

Romans 5:8

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Romans 10: 9-11, 13

If you say that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by declaring your faith that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. 13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

And on another note... attempt #2 at the whole blonde part of a Blonde Farmgirl in the Making happens a week from today! I know you are all dying to see how that goes. See what I did there... dying... hair dye. Does that count as a dad joke? (And with as much sarcasm as possible...) I know... I know... I'm hilarious. You're welcome.


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