Day 16.
Week 3. Day 2.
I feel like it’s important to note that it currently feels like 33 degrees outside. I don’t know about living in a socialism world, actually I definitely have thoughts on that, but I have no intention of ever talking politics here. (insert every stressed out emoji available here). A good political meme though. Well, I’m all about those. Anyway, I could go for some socialistic weather though. If we distributed our weather evenly…. Just a thought. I’ll see if I can put a word in with the one in charge of that.
1. I did a thing. I ran away. Legit. To mom and dad’s house. You’re never too old to run away to mom and dad’s, right?!?
You guys, people have been so kind and thoughtful to me the past three weeks or really just all the time. The Lord has certainly let me feel loved by so many. And writing like this during this quarantine has been a huge outlet for me. It’s given me something to think about during the day and interact with or feel connected with people at night. But the last three weeks have taken its toll. Actually, probably the last year as a friend pointed out to me and so... dad’s and mom’s house it is. I told a friend today that I’m sure the Lord has some great lessons to teach me in all of this. I just haven’t honed in on them yet. Hopefully soon.
And until then, I’m thankful I have a place to run away too. And for people who love me. And friends who listen. And texting. I’m thankful for texting. But mostly,on this Good Friday, I’m thankful for this…
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8
Haha… ok. So serious. And. So. Many. Emotions. #girlproblems
Now for the fun stuff… In regards to the running away thing…..
Now, in my defense, I did this before the new stay at home order went into place. I read the new order today. I think I am allowed to travel back home, but if I get arrested… who would like to be my first phone call? Coming to get me would maybe qualify as a legal proceeding... or we can just throw it under caring for a vulnerable person. Trust me at that point I would definitely be a vulnerable person. Maybe I already am? #dontanswerthat ...which means you could legally leave your house . You’re welcome. I would probably need a counseling session on the way home though #fairwarning #callmemaybe
And being at my parent’s means I get to wake up and have coffee here.
2. And see the sunset here. The beach is for sure my happy place. No matter how cold it is. #recreationalactivity
3. And social distance with family in creative ways. Also, apparently Happy Siblings Day. #socialdistancing #nationalsiblingsday
4. I even showed off my grilling skills today. I don’t know how to turn on the grill but I can grill a mean pork tenderloin for some pork pitas. That is the one and only thing I grill so don’t be too impressed. I learned from one of the best. #justsayin’ I just forgot to pay attention to the part on how to turn it on. #details #starstudent
5. And I even have some dresses to keep this quarantine “bring Stephanie to terms with her dress problem” going. Though tomorrow maybe I’ll raid my mom’s closet. That sounds like that could be fun. And entertaining for y’all. #dressesfordays #dressesforquarantine