Day 31.
Week 5. Day 3.
Thank the Lord that it is finally “keep the screen door open” weather. Well… my heat is still on, but nonetheless… FRESH AIR!!! And no snow. My disposition on life has greatly improved.
1. Took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time outside. Moving rocks. This is basically all I’ve done in this yard for the last month. Dig up rocks and move them. Who needs weights at the gym when you have a yard full of rocks. And now that I can buy plants and mulch there might be some more progress made. #puremichigan #finally #somanyrocks
2. Got a sweet visit from some of my favorite lovely people today. They brought tulips. Pink tulips. And I got to see their faces. I never thought I was much of a flower person. I mean they’re pretty but then they die. But there’s something about the gift of flowers during this whole quarantine things that is a nice reminder of life and hope in the midst of this never ending being sent to your room adventure. I’m going to keep flowers around more often now. I love the tulips and I love the people who brought them! #friends #flowers #thankful
3. I was going through my pictures today. Remember when we used to be able to go shopping at stores for clothes. This was a fun trip to the Columbia outlet shortly before the world stopped. Did you know that Columbia had a Frozen line? I definitely tried it on and walked around the store with it on for a while. Not gonna lie… I was pretty excited to find this Frozen cape. I’m kind of sad I didn’t actually buy it now. Might have to track this one down on ebay. #princessdreams #frozen
4. See that tiny little bag at the center of this picture. Just one little pair of earrings packaged in three different bags. Not sure whose doing the packaging at kohls, but I kind of felt like someone was playing a practical joke on me. #kohls #somanypackages
5. This mint green is a fave color of mine. And lace. And ruffles. It feels girly. I appreciate that. #dressesfordays.