Day 33.
Week 5. Day 5.
On day 33 of quarantine, I ate cereal for dinner. I’m unsure of my decision making capabilities at this point. It was either a fabulous decision or a really poor decision. I have no answers beyond the fact that I’m pretty sure there is no in between.
1. Anyone else sympathize with this kite in this tree? I feel like this sums up quarantine nicely. #stuck #trapped
2. This rather large truck was between me and my coffee this morning. On a Monday morning. It was a problem. #coffeeproblems
3. Ran into these lovely faces at the park today. So fun to see them out for a walk on this beautiful day. Thankful for these fun little surprises that have continually been put in my path throughout all of this. #seewhatididthere #pathoflife #runningpath
4. I’m still of the belief that grass shouldn’t have to be cut during quarantine. But I also refuse to be that neighbor that never mows their grass. It was an inner battle. Peer pressure won. #grasscuttingseason #eveninquarantine
5. Well this dress was a happy surprise. Confession. I picked it up on clearance. Like super cheap clearance. I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve put it on. It was a win. #dressesfordays