Day 67.
Week 10. Day 3.
Everything hurts and I’m dying. Well, not really… but the landscaping did totally kick my butt. Definitely feeling that one today. Also it was 40 degrees when I woke up. What the what? It turned out to be a beautiful day though! Thankful for that!
1. And it was a good hair day. That made up for the whole everything hurts and I’m dying and oh yeah its also 40 out. #goodhairday
2. And right now in the good times and bad… You are on Your throne… You are God alone! We live in a crazy world Friends! I’m so thankful for these words and for an unchanging God. #Godalone
3. Got to facetime with this cutie. This sweet girl has such a beautiful heart for Jesus and for people. Excited to see how the Lord uses her as she grows up! #loveher
4. So…. I shouldn’t be allowed to use super glue. Like ever. Or at least not without supervision. It goes horribly wrong for me Every. Single. Time. Like peel layers of superglued skin off of my hand wrong. #ugh #oops
5. Here’s a fun one. I love navy blue and kelly green together! #dressesfordays